Quran Chapter 22 – 36b to 38 (Pt-17,
Stg-4) (L-2114) درس قرآن
Use of sense and strength properly
Chapter “Hajj”
– (The Pilgrimage) - 22
‘A-‘uu-zu Billaahi minash-Shay-taanir- Rajiim.
(I seek refuge in Allaah from Satan the outcast)
(In the name of Allaah, the Beneficent, the Merciful)
(I seek refuge in Allaah from Satan the outcast)
(In the name of Allaah, the Beneficent, the Merciful)
By meditating in the previous verses, the meanings of worship
can be understood thoroughly. Original Message of Holy Qur’an for the
mankind is: Don’t be careless. Know God (Allaah Almighty) Who created
you and Who is your Lord. Only He is Who gave you all things which are useful
for you, caused to rain from the sky; by which He produced entire things from
the earth as grain and corn, flower and fruit, greenness, esculent and
vegetables. He made the cattle subject unto you, so that you may take help from
them for the works which are not in your power. He gave sense so that you may
reap advantage from the things described by Him and consider that these entire
things have been bestowed unto you by the Grace of Allaah Almighty. Moreover,
you should know the Prophets (peace be upon them) sent by Him and acknowledge
their kindness that they taught you to thank Allaah Almighty on the blessings
He bestowed, and the last Messenger Muhammad (grace, glory, blessings and peace
be upon him) pointed out the proper course of carrying into effect the
commandments mentioned in the Magnificent Scripture (Holy Qur’an); which
has been revealed unto him.
Holy Qur’an teaches: O mankind! It is not in your power
to thank Allaah Almighty on His blessings. His blessings are countless
and unlimited, whereas your powers and sense are limited. For your convenience,
Allaah Almighty has appointed a way of His thankfulness, and the name of
that “Way” is “Worship”. Worship means “Service of Allaah Almighty,
devotion, adoration”, that is to say, “to accept own obedience and submission”.
The worship is “some works prescribed by Allaah Almighty which a mankind
should perform for disclosing that he is obedient and slave of Allaah
Almighty. These works are “Prayer, a Fast, Hajj, paying the Poor-due, Alms and
A Sacrifice etc.” Any human being should never criticize in these matters and perform
all works according to the conditions which have been prescribed. Neither any
person can ask the benefits of these works and nor can produce any doubt about
them. These are Signs of worship, described by The Real Benefactor and being
thankful to Him on His Blessings. These commandments should be obeyed with the
same thought only.
Allaah Almighty has given sense to the mankind. If he can reap any
other timely, collective or social advantage, should reap. There is no
restriction in it. If you agree that you are a servant of Allaah
Almighty, then you should sacrifice according to the commandment. You have no
right to say that “What is benefit in it?” O servant of Allaah! Is it
not sufficient for you that your Lord is pleased by observing that you have
been obeying His command without any doubt, and He record your name in the list
of His thankful slaves. The only duty of the slave is to keep pleased his Lord.
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